Literary Genius Foundation


Published: 17-04-2014

How Schools Kill Creativity - Video

Education specialist Ken Robinson argues humorously at a TED conference that in a quickly-changing world, the most important quality to nurture in our children is creativity. He contends that by focusing on accuracy in education, we teach children to fear being wrong and stifle their natural and valuable creative impulses.

Published: 11-02-2014

ECC Seeks Increased Funding for Early Childhood Education

In a 2013 statement, Michelle Campbell, Acting Executive Director of the Jamaican Early Childhood Commission, seeks private funding for initiatives to improve early childhood education in Jamaica, arguing that current government-granted funding is far from sufficient.

Published: 30-01-2014

Early Childhood Education Needs More Funds

A Letter to the Editor printed in The Jamaica Observer argues that current programs to assess the academic needs of pre-kindergarten students in Jamaica are misuses of funds that could be invested in teacher training and classroom equipment.